Reasons for Tree Removal

Gold Coast Tree Removal

Tree Removal Due To Pest Infestation

White Ants/Termites

Termite or White Ant tree infestations are commonplace, with the termite nest often found on the tree trunk or branches, in the centre of the tree, in the base of the tree or underground.

Often, termite infestations go unnoticed, as the tree appears to be perfectly healthy. However over time, serious damage can be done to the tree's structural integrity, which in turn compromises safety.

Severe termite damage may weaken a tree's structure and stability to the point where it becomes dangerous. In addition, the termites may use the tree as a base, spreading to other trees and nearby buildings. At this point, removal may be the best option.

An active termite infestation is not a death sentenance for a tree, as Pest Controllers can apply eradication treatments which are usually very successful, particularly when monitored over time.


Borers are known to infest both Eucalyptus and Poinciana trees, causing considerable damage as they tunnel beneath the bark, devouring large quantities of carbohydrate-rich layer of wood. Trees under stress during drought conditions, or those in poor condition, are the main targets for borers.

The best preventative action is to maintain trees in good health and regularly inspect for early signs of infestation. More direct treatments include.

  • Adding 75mm of aged forest mulch around the base of the tree
  • Regular applications of an organic fertiliser to the tree's root system
  • Regular watering during dry periods
  • Application of insecticides

If there are signs that your tree has either termite or borer activity, please contact us and arrange an on-site inspection. We can advise of a suitable treatment plan, or quote on tree removal if the damage is severe and terminal.